Is there a deadline for making comments on the Outline Planning Application for Redcatch quarter on the Broadwalk Shopping Centre site?
No – not yet. You can comment on the plans until just before the City Council meets to make a decision. KNPG are not expecting that until 1st Feb 2023 (and it maybe later).
Where can I find the City Councils plans?
You can access the actual Outline Planning Application at the City Council web site on www.tinyurl.com/BroadwalkPlans.
The Outline Planning Permission Application Reference Number is 22/03924/p
Is there anything I can read that makes it easier to understand what is being proposed?
Yes – click on this document to get a better understanding of the proposal. It includes pictures which help you understand what the new flats will look like in comparison to what is there today.
Broadwalk Guide (opens in a new Page)
Can I join KNPG? And get involved?
Yes – Just let us know by completing the Contact Us form on the web site.
Who makes the decision about whether Redcatch Quarter goes ahead?
A Development Control Committee made up of local Councillors makes the decision. The date for this Committee has not been set yet.
How will I find out about the date of the Committee that made the decision?
As soon as we know KNPG will share the date as widely as possible. The City Council must give the public 7 days’ notice of the agenda of the meeting. They do this on their web site.
Can I speak to this Committee?
Yes – they allow up to 1 minute for a person to speak to them to say what they think before they make their decision.
We are encouraging people to attend the meeting and make statements. The more people that attend, the more the Councillors are likely to realise the strength of community concerns.
KNPG will let people know what to do if you want to speak nearer the time
If these outline plans are agreed, will there be any other opportunity to influence what happens next?
KNPG will continue to meet with the developers through the next few years if the plans are agreed to help understand what is happening, when and share community views etc.
It is only an outline plan and the developers should consult in future on areas that need more detail – these are called “Reserved Matters”.
KNPG will also let you know more about these as and when they come up.
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